Sunday, January 31, 2010

sheer unadulterated WTF

Is Coors simply a beer supplier to the Olympics, or the official beer? I mean, it's cute that the little mountain on the can turns blue and all, but American beer? Seriously? In Canada? I mean, I could make my goldfish swim in that watery piss, if I wanted to be mean to them.

No, the signage did not explain what a "sustainable dance floor" is.
I don't know. Maybe it's made out of hemp. Or yoga pants and Uggs.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

just who do I hafta bang at Tourism BC to get some Super, Natural swag?

Seen on the train home tonight:

"Super, Natural British Columbia" has been our tourism slogan/jingle since at least the seventies, [way before Winchesters were fighting evil] but unfortunately it's fallen by the wayside lately, replaced by the pretty much justified, yet smug "Best Place On Earth".

(Geddit? SuperNatural? OK.)

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Arm porn: pretty much the most flesh on display in Supernatural. I feel like a Victorian-era horndog who has just gotten a glimpse of raw, hot, SEXAY ankle. reports some other piece won the role of Conan the Barbarian in a franchise reboot over Jared. Fuck my life. Seriously. Jared Padalecki in fur undies on a 3-story multiplex screen would SO have made up for the straight-to-DVD Christmas movie, Thomas Kinkade’s Home for Christmas, that I misspent an hour of my life watching online during the Christmas holidays. My only excuse is Supernatural was on hiatus and I was jonesing badly.
Even so, I still bailed at the movie's halfway point.
It's not that Jared's bad in it [although I will never watch it again], it's the character he plays, Thomas Fucking Kinkade, hack painter extraordinaire. I hate the unbearable tweeness that is Kinkade and I'm talking HAAAAATE with the burning intensity of a thousand fiery suns kind of hate. The man churns out sugary sweet cottages with warm light glowing from every window, OVER AND FUCKING OVER AND O.V.E.R. In point of fact, for that much orange glow to come from any window would actually mean the inside of the house was on fire [Jesus, do I wish. Maybe with the unbearably twee occupants trapped inside as well.]

Below, a video review from (worth it for the payoff of the reviewer totally losing his shit laughing at the 1:30 mark and dropping the camera)

Jared in a Kinkade biopic instead of a loincloth? Oh HELL NO. There is no God.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Big 6 diner: ur doin' it rite

Above: the Big 6 diner's breakfast board. Yes, that IS a current picture; at $3.75, the trucker's breakfast is just a rummage in the sofa cushions away from heart-clogging goodness.
Bacon truly is Nature's perfect food. Especially when you've been up 'til 3 a.m. and are in dire need of the universal cure-all: a greasy breakfast. Don't judge! We've all been there. And no, you can't have any of my preciou - any of my bacon.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Colin James @ the Orpheum, 1/13/10

In a perfect world:
"Hi, Colin? Longtime fan. The show was great! Could I get a picture with you?"

The Reality: "OhmygodColinI'vebeenafanfor25yearsandIswearI'mnotstalkingyoubutcouldIgetapicturewithyouplease?!?"

Oh well.

Left: "I'll take what's behind door number one, please."

Show over, I was taking some pictures of the gorgeous detail inside the theatre. Literally seconds after this snap, door number 1 OPENS - on none other than Colin Effing James, Esq.
I think we both startled each other but I am willing to concede my squee-ing fangirl word dump might have freaked him out a bit more. I bet he loves having this effect on women.

Happy to report that not only does the man rock the house, he is as sweet as pie to spazzy fangirls.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

WIN. WIN. And more WIN.

A trifecta of awesomeness: Happy Bats sale, best! pizza! ever!, and the BCCCS goes even greener.

Hot slice-on-slice action at Uncle Fatih's, corner of Broadway and Commercial. Yes, the slices really are THAT loaded with quality toppings; chunks of their [famously] roasted potato on the slice in back, and marinated spinach and artichoke hearts, olives & peppers on the sexy piece in front....all that plus a pop for four bucks even. That's four bucks CANADIAN. I know! Unfuckingbelievable. [Oh yeah, there's cheese on there too. Duh.]

No more plastic baggies in the landfill! BCCCS introduced cellulose baggies [right] this month, which will break down in 30 days if you compost them or simply bury them in your garden. Also: gifted with one of only 500 airtight tins for stash. Yay!

Happy Bats Cinema's cool t-shirts [and hoodies] are half what are you waiting for? Buy buy buy! You can never have too many black t-shirts, and the 12.50 price tag rocks pretty hard too. I got three tees, one in each design [couch bats; director bat; pirate bats] AND a hoody for $70. Sweet!

glorious basterds

I've been sitting on this waay too long. Matt & Mike Granger, two Vancouver brothers who work in the film industry, responded to MTV's 2009 challenge to "basterdize Tarantino" and the result is made of WIN. Zut alors!

Monday, January 4, 2010

"But Holmes!" Watson ejaculated [hee]

Some bitch called Andrea Plunket has her panties in a wad over Robert Downey Jr.'s jokes [or ARE they, Andrea?] about how the simmering SEXAY subtext of Sherlock and Watson is gay gay gay.
Andrea holds the U.S. copyright to Sherlock Holmes, and has prissed, “I hope this is just an example of Mr. Downey's black sense of humour. It would be drastic, but I would withdraw permission for more films to be made if they feel that is a theme they wish to bring out in the future. I am not hostile to homosexuals, but I am to anyone who is not true to the spirit of the books.”

Whatever. She can deny it, but you KNOW Sherlock and Watson were having sexy times. They were! The truth WILL come out.
Don't believe me? Check out the graphic from The Arthur Conan Doyle Literary Estate Licensing website:
Okay, I might've added the boner [for purely decorative purposes]. But you can't tell me that doesn't look like a life partnership. A SEXY life partnership, if Watson's sassy posing means anything.
Send Andrea your 20-page faxes of crudely drawn man love today!

And thanks to RDJ for giving me something new to fap over.