Saturday, March 27, 2010

Supernatural on location, 3/17

I live within spitting distance of two areas used heavily for filming in New West [which is not a big town to begin with], and Supernatural shoots there around once a's just a matter of spotting the bright pink TO SET or CREW PARK signs and the SFI = Supernatural. Sneaky, yes?

After getting within four feet of the boys last August while they were filming down the street, but being too shy, dammit, to carpe that diem and ask for an autograph or say hello [I KNOW, fan FAIL.] I now had:
- a digital camera
- balls to the walls.
I had gone down to the location earlier to chat with crew and find out who was filming what when - and I have to say the Supernatural crew are the friendliest towards fans that I've encountered so far. Awesome. They actually said, "If it weren't for you [fans] we wouldn't have jobs" and one fellow, upon my fangirl squee-ing, said, Do you have two minutes?
(You're effin' A I got two minutes, dude!)
and returned with an 8 x 10 of the guys. Nice! It's on the fridge right now:

Since filming would go 8pm - 11pm, Miss M and I went to Hon's for dinner, hit Tim Horton's for coffees to go, and swung past the film set on the way home [being mistaken for "background" peeps by crew. Woo!]
So Miss M spotted the Impala ("there'sthecarThere'sTheCarTHERE'STHECAR") and I got a quick snap:

Pretty sure that was Jensen in the passenger seat...and it took everything I had not to rip open my hoody and PRESSSSS everything up against the windshield... this.

The guys were done their scene [staking out an apartment building standing in for a convalescent hospital, where Matt Frewer is playing Pestilence] in two takes and soon left. A bit anticlimactic, but let's be honest: any Supernatural sighting that doesn't end with Jared's remarkably broad shoulders as my ankle rest is very definitely not PRO climax. And I'm like 0 for 2 here, dammit.
So near and yet so far. Fuck my life.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

has anyone seen a hockey cherry? because I lost mine

It's no secret the Canucks and the NY Islanders are, uh, not the best teams in the NHL, but when Curtis informed me he had a windfall of two free centre ice tickets to the 'nucks vs Isles game on the 16th I jumped at the opportunity. Night out with friends? Check. Free tickets? Check. Seeing a live pro hockey game for the first time eva? Check and check.
It's so different from seeing it on TV, where the camera largely follows the puck; you can see plays developing [and get a contact high off all the testosterone; Luongo, I WILL HAVE YOUR BABIES.]

So even though Curtis and I had never seen a LIVE hockey game before [because pro hockey tickets are also hella expensive] we weren't total noobs. Which didn't stop either of us looking up hockey basics for dummies the night before the game. Oh quit it. It's not like Canadians are born knowing this stuff.

As you can see, the seats were AWESOME.

Goalie Roberto Luongo [newest member of Juno's harem] is on the far right of the sausage party.

SEEING the puck headed towards you at 90mph is not going to make it leave less of a dent.

Zambonis were so much more badass when they were solid black. A zamboni that looks like a giant shopping cart is the anti-badass.

Mmmmm, Mike's Hard Lemonade slushies, coming right up...that IS where they come from, right?

Oh come on, does this much adorableness need a caption?

So, yeah, we ended up getting shellacked by one of the worst teams in the NHL. Which didn't stop me from jumping up and screaming "SUCK IT!!! SUCK IT!!!" at the Islanders whenever we scored on them. And the spirit of Olympic woo is still strong in Vancouver; when time came for the national anthems, I was belting out O Canada, yet couldn't even hear myself for the sold-out crowd doing same. Good times.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Happy birthday, Sarah

for Sarah [left], queen of the girl power mix tape and one of the coolest, smartest, funniest people I know.
I have no words for how awesome this woman is.

[OK, maybe one word: Ayiyiyiyiyiyi!!] Happy birthday, woman! I looked for a picture of a Henry Rollins cake but was unsuccessful. Je suis FAIL.

Monday, March 8, 2010

More to love about Canada: pot cafes

Saturday eve saw myself and the mighty Miss M back at the vapour lounge of the New Amsterdam Cafe. We had first gone during the Olympics, taking the "be a tourist in your hometown" thing to heart [and picking up a nifty bubbler by local glassworker Redbeard in the ground floor shop.]
The lounge uses the infinitely superior Volcano vaporizers, which heat your herb to the point where only pure, cool THC vapour fills the bag, [and that's ALL you're inhaling; no smoke, no burnt matter - sooo much easier on the lungs] which got two people elevated using only a fingernail-sized bud over the course of 40 minutes.
The Volcano website suggests using it to infuse food with herbs:
"The food (crab meat) will be placed into an oven bag and once your thyme has filled the contents of the VOLCANO vaporizers balloon, you can release the aroma into the oven bag. While your crab meat is being cooked, the great thyme flavor will permeate the food to leave a great taste."
I'm hoping the vaporizers make an appearance on Iron Chef, but I don't plan on ever using it to infuse food with herbs [unless "thyme-infused crab" becomes the new code for "meet me in back in five to get lifted".]

Steve Martin & Alec Baldwin spoof 'Paranormal Activity'

This was truly the funniest thing I've seen at the Oscars in....ever? Enjoy, and wait for the payoff at the end. Oh, my sides hurt. Hee.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Reason # 452 to Love Canada [some more]: Socialized Medicine

Above: Fair Pharmacare [BC Pharmacare's income-based assistance program] rocks! The less, ahem, *impressive* your income, the less you pay for prescriptions. Hooray for relative poverty! This wasn't even the only prescription I had filled today; the receipts for three months of meds totaled $440.21, five bucks of which I was responsible for and which the pharmacy waived. If I had to pay this all myself right now, it would fucking FLATTEN me.
See that "PHN" on the upper right? That's your ID, your Personal Health Number, on your government-issued CareCard, which you show at any doctor, pharmacy or hospital. Thank you, Tommy Douglas.
I hope the US gets the healthcare Obama's been trying for. No one should have to choose between buying medicine or food. Or be scared of a word like "socialism".

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

It was time for a Daniel Craig pic anyway...

AAAAAND I've missed the last two chances to run a pic of Daniel Craig in his birthday suit, on his birthday.
Unless you're a celebrity gossip site [which...not so much], wishing celebrities happy birthday is IMO not a sign of mental stability, so I'll omit the bday wishes and say only I wish to God I was that glittery pink butterfly.

Monday, March 1, 2010

I want sprinkles on mine

What do you do when the insanely hot crushes leads of your favourite show marry/have a birthday? Say it with cake, of course. So, happy bday today Jensen Ackles and a big "whatever" on Jared Padalecki's marriage (I had to go to charm school to learn to say "whatever" instead of "this is fucking bullshit" although Curtis seems to be taking it harder than I am).
[nicked from]