Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Worlds Collide: Valentine's/Olympics/Chinese New Year

I'm gonna cop out and remind you all about a picture being worth a thousand words.

Tinseltown is a multiplex/failing mall by Stadium Station. The far entrance opens onto Pender, right in Chinatown, so the Chinese New Year parade always starts from inside the mall, then up Pender. Unfortunately, I missed the parade due to scheduling conflict [i.e. sleeping in and avoiding crowds]. There's vendors and [above] troupe after troupe of girls dipped in glitter and lip-synching to Lady Gaga. SO. CUTE.

Tinseltown's theatre peeps were nice enough to let me have five 11" x 17" Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassuss posters. Sweet. Curtis and I saw it at VIFF in October, and I've been looking for a cool souvenir ever since. See what you get when you say "please"?

T&T Supermarket for lunch to go and...Year of the Snoopy?

Geoduck: (pronounced gooey-duck )a giant mud-burrowing bivalve mollusk occurring on the west coast of North America, where it is collected for food [NOT A SEX TOY]. Its shell valves are not large enough to enclose its body and very long siphon
I wish I had a ruler for scale. These things are massive; I'm talking horse cock. And I'm guessing "geoduck" means "cock and balls" in Latin :::cradle the shell valves, work the siphon:::
This was the closest I got to peen on V-Day. Sads.

I take it back, THIS was the closest I got to peen on V-Day. So many people were wearing red on Sunday [red for Canada, red for Valentine's] that I almost didn't notice Team Russia on the train. And no, it's not a trick of perspective, they were frigging HUGE.

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