Saturday, November 28, 2009

I love the smell of cinnamon in the morning. Smells like "coping".

At left: sweet nectar of the gods and Jared Padalecki's remarkably broad shoulders. Sigh. Cinnamon toaster waffles and whipped cream makes everything better.
-edited to add that a second look at the photo makes it appear I am trying to tempt the little people on the screen with waffles & wipp cremes. I'm not that delusional yet, but there's no denying Sam is eyeing that waffle. Heh.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody

I know this clip is on every site on the internet right now, but I had to post it anyway. This is awesome on about ten different levels. I love the web.

Beeker: "Mee mee mee mee!"
chorus: "Galileo!"

This almost makes up for the fact that I never got to see Queen in concert. Almost.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Worst. Song. Ever: JLo's "Louboutins"

I'm not even going to link to this pile of crap, because once you realize this isn't a discarded SNL digital short, well...just the nasal, whiny "Ah'm throwin' on my Loobatons, Ah'm throwin' on mah Loobatons" over and freaking OVER. GOD. Good for you, you put some shoes on before storming out in a grand, trampling exit. Now stay gone, you humpy hoor.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Supernatural superfans at work

At left: Plastic Winchester Theatre! I love the caption: *fight is on* [Sam, naturally, is the one taken out early in the fight, as we all know he majorly sucks at hand-to-hand combat.]

Oh god, I am wiping tears from my eyes. Just discovered "Plastic!Winchester Theatre" a massive collection of hard/demented work a Supernatural superfan has done.

and totally unrelated to Plastic Winchesters, YouTubey goodness: "Supernatural - Do You Like Waffles?"

Hee. Oh, my sides hurt.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

damn, October was fun

at left: the bourbon rack at Memphis Blues BBQ. Wound up October with vampires [Let the Right One In @ VIFC], roadside food [aforementioned bbq joint] and classic rock [Paint It Black] = a very Supernatural night.

I've been too busy having a life to actually write about it. I'd like to feel bad enough about it for a longer entry, but I don't. Let's just say that EVERY month should include two weeks holiday, your birthday and Halloween. And a three-paycheque month. And a huge-ass iMac!
Coming: reviews of the 20+ films seen in October, mostly festival fare. Woo.

-edited because I cannot spell today.