Friday, October 31, 2008

smackdown: Amy Winehouse vs. Kung Fu Panda

Halloween eve and still trying to decide between going out as a fatty Amy Winehouse [black out a tooth, paint eyes shut and "style" hair in wind tunnel] or taking the dark eye makeup to its logical conclusion and going as Kung Fu Panda.

Hmm. If I go as Amy Winehouse, I can smoke crack all night and people will just assume it's the costume.

OK, Kung Fu Panda it is, then.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

buy buy buy!

Best Buy has Buffy and Angel DVD sets on for twenty bucks, with a free DVD of a 2008 cast reunion with purchase. Crafty folk will buy the sets one at a time, thereby accumulating quite a hoard of bonus DVDs. I splashed out on the bottomless pit of despair that is season 6 Buffy, because:

-Musical episode!

-Anya episode ["Selfless"]

-I've never seen the S6 finale. Ever!

-the steaming hot bowl of oral sex that is Spike

banned candy

Happy Bats is using their powers for good, again; this time they're running a cool Buffy contest/giveaway until the end of the month. Friends of the batfolk have diabetes, and since there won't be any Buffy musical this year [and the last few Buffy singalongs have been for charity], the two great tastes that taste great together [charity, and Buffy] have come together to kick diabetes in the slats.

Even if they hadn't dangled a chance to win Buff stuff in front of me, I would still be first in line to donate; I found out this spring I have type II diabetes. Going sugar-free isn't too bad, except for when I really, really want a Caesar, which it turns out are just loaded with sugar. Thank god for sugar-free sweets: I've found a reliable source of sugar-free 70% chocolate and maple walnut ice cream at, respectively, Denny's Farm Market and 6th Ave Deli, both in New Westminster.

Anyway. Life with diabetes isn't all sugar-free sweets. There's also the fun of making sure your feet don't turn black. I'm just glad I can take a once-daily pill at this point to control it, and don't have to monitor my bloodsugar beyond occasional bloodwork, and best of all, no needles.

So go give. You have until October 31st, and even a few bucks gets you a chance at a cool prize, good karma, and, again, the chance to kick diabetes in the slats.

Go here for news of Buffy screenings and the link to donate to the Canadian Diabetes Association, and hints of the bound-to-be cool prize from Happy Bats: