Tuesday, September 23, 2008

because culture is good for you, asshole

It seems the Happy Bats graphic shows up weirdly in some browsers, so here they are in all their four-colour glory, nicked directly from their website and brought farm fresh to you, gentle reader. Happy Bats is also sponsoring a showing of JCVD during this year's Vancouver International Film Festival. Which I don't have tickets for yet, but I do have the catalogue. So tonight I'll sit down with the guide, plenty of Post-Its, or maybe just decide the movies I'll see with a dart board. Yes, it's holiday time chez Juno, and I can't afford to leave the city. But being stuck in Vancouver in the autumn with nothing more to do than go to movies with friends and hit the Night Market....well, there are worse fates. Even though I love Vancouver long time, I still want to crush with my bare hands every car I see with the Olympic 2010 "Best place on earth" vanity plate. Those dicks are totally asking for it.

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