Thursday, December 24, 2009

have yourself a merry fucking Christmas

I love that New West city hall has the glitter balls to flaunt, decade after PC decade, unabashedly Christmas-y adornment inside and outside. Hey, NW leaves "happy holidays" for the shopping mall. That's just the way we roll.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

fancypants caramel

I splurged a bit sugar-wise with Purdy's fancy [or silly, I'm not sure which] Himalayan pink salt crystal caramel. The salt crystals on top are supposed to boost the [already] saltysweet caramel experience, and really are pinkish.
[nom nom nom]
Yep, tastes like caramel and salt. Huh.

Monday, December 21, 2009

I got yer "festive" right here

At left: unintentionally horrifying Santa cake via
I need a break from the soppy, saccharin holiday specials on TV. Hence some new Japanese horror [I love the sales bin at Applause Videos on Commercial Drive] that I fully expect to freak me right the fuck out.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

and the funny just keeps on coming

Watching "Staten Island" on, apparently put up by some video store clerks, as every so often the audio on the movie is eclipsed by an angry nutter calling in to a Blockbuster video and wanting to know the employee's name and if they suck dick, before spewing insults at the clerk.
Best exchange so far:
crazy dude [ranting]: "I will track you down, scoop out your eyes and skull fuck you!!"
:::silence from clerk:::
crazy dude [conversational]: "So, how tall are you?"

So he wants to rape your skull, but there's a height requirement.

random hotness

This picture is best viewed from atop a washing machine on "spin", with clothespins on your nips and being told repeatedly that you're a dirty, DIRTY girl.
Well, maybe that's just me.
Gawd, he's so pretty it hurts. I'm a sucker for the nice crinkly eyes too.

That is all.

look what the mail barfed up

Above: sweet, sweet eBay booty.
Have dug myself out from under a teetering pile of empty toaster waffle boxes for some quick shopping for a Christmas parcel that had to go from Vancouver to the Kelowna branch of the fam [btw, Kelowna has its own lake monster, Ogopogo. I know, AWESOME.] Also cheered up by the arrival of a shitload of semiprecious stone beads ordered back in November. Mostly garnets, but also carnelian, amethyst, coral oh go on and spank me, YES I BOUGHT CORAL BEADS FUCKING HELL, aventurine, iron pyrite & peridot. Pretty. I have lots of ideas for bracelets.