Monday, September 21, 2009

make a wish...

At left: dream a little dream.
An evening walk on Saturday went from a milk run, to cream + brussels sprouts + of course, a digital camera. My own fucking fault for shopping on an empty stomach. When asked what my first picture would be [never owned a digital camera before], I was utterly stumped. I mean, ideally it would be a candid photo of Daniel Craig in my bed with a massive peen tenting the sheets, but whatever.

Walking home the long[ish] way round brought us to the part of the street completely duded up in full-on Halloween mode, thanks to another film crew. We stopped and watched a few takes, and then all of a sudden, all the film crew standing about looking Very Busy and Important suddenly looked up, waaay up, and even busted out digital cameras to film a very bright white light going very fast directly over us that turned out to be the International Space Station.
Oooh, pretty.
Then they quit fucking about and got back to work.

Here's a link to a story about a 400-strong group of University of Calgary students who used LED lights to flash the word dream in Morse code at the station as it flew by carrying UCalgary alum and Canadian astronaut Robert Thirsk. Then, they spelled it out in letters and finally created the shape of an eye that winked. Check it out on tonight's Daily Planet on the Discovery channel! The students plan to post their own clip on youtube and the univeristy website, so I'll update with the link to the no-doubt amazing video.

Speaking of the Discovery Channel, here's a link to "The World Is Just Awesome" commercial [you know, the "boom-de-atta, boom-de-atta" one?].

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

lamest girl in blogland breaks radio silence

At left:
"What's a Winchester sandwich?"

Hey, y'all. I'm still here, and normally Tuesdays are a TV wasteland so I can siddown and update, but: Supernatural season 4 comes out on DVD today, so there will be something on TV tonight. Oh my yes.

Oh, and the day you say, It's OK, I don't hafta wash my hair tonight, I'll just ponytail the ganky mass back and get one more day out of it? THAT will be the day the Supernatural crew comes to your 'hood to film. Trust me on this.