Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Happy 420, Vancouver

I'm getting a contact high just from looking at all that smoke. *cough*

Did I mention I freakin' love Vancouver? And do you think this shit would fly in the states? Hell to the hell to the HELL to the NO.

Friday, April 10, 2009

I see your squee and raise you a squee

Long story short: I have NO bathroom ceiling, the properly HAZMAT-ed guys showed up to do the job, and the right picture of Daniel Craig can make me forget all about my lungs crudding up into big lumps of scar tissue forty years down the road..

"Impending death! Dooooom!"

"But look, he's so cute he's even changed my mind about my "no facial hair" rule. Squee!"

"But, doooom!"


"You win."