Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I love the whole world [except for people who talk during the movie]

Discovery's "The World Is Just Awesome" commercial has been filling me with toe-curling delight since I saw it this summer.
If you don't love this bit of video, then you're dead inside. I'm serious.
The Canadian Discovery Channel version is slightly different; where on the US version, the surfer sings, "I love the oceans", it's the guy from the Daily Planet singing "I love the planet!" and doing a not too bad job of it too.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Evidently your bum celebrates Christmas, too

Above: Safeway's "festive ring cake" ["ring". Hee.]: this SO belongs on I mean, did the people at Safeway look at this culinary-slash-medical anomaly and decide that the jaunty sprig of holly would make it look any less like a prolapsed anus? And what is the drizzle on there? Dear GOD.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

In lieu of written entry, lamest girl in blogland posts gratuitous beefcake pic

At left: Quantum of Solace could have used some more of this. [Since when do I need a reason to post a picture of Daniel Craig shirtless? You knew this would become a recurring feature sooner or later. Oh, and he still really digs fat chicks. Loves them loves them loves them.]

Friday, December 12, 2008

Snow day snow day snow day!

At left: I know, I can't fucking believe it's snowing either.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Coalition to Harper: No, YOU shut up

First off, even though I vote in every [major] election, I've never been really interested in politics, have always been content to let Canada tootle along, thankful for and secure in the knowledge that we weren't the United States and that a) abortion is legal, b)hooray for gay rights! and Canadians are friendly, polite and fucking HATE guns.
The things you take for granted.
My country is very close to hurtling headlong into a new dark age, and I can't help but think of the day[s] after 9/11, after that one weirdly quiet point when there was not a plane in the air, anywhere. Living then in the incoming flight path of a major airport, and so used to jetliners RIGHT OVERHEAD, loud and low. It was such a sweet relief when the planes were flying again to stand outside and just watch what could have been a very bright star grow larger, move closer and finally pass over me, over and over again. And again.
Last week, Conservative PM Stephen Harper [a fucking joke; his party represents 37.6% of the vote] tried to pass a motion that would have ENDED public funding for political parties, which would have effectively killed any party NOT the Conservative party, since the Conservatives have a more, ahem, "sophisticated" fundraising machine than the rest. I should add that every "strategic" or "defensive" vote I have ever cast has been aimed at keeping the Conservative candidate out of office, I hate them so. I'll say it: Conservatives are bad for Canada. Faced with a vote of non-confidence waiting for him on Monday, Harper sought [and got] Governor-General Michaelle Jean's permission to prorogue Parliament, a word I had never heard before, and which means "Canadian democracy getting buttfucked on national television" [uh, CPAC *is* national, right?].
What kind of tinpot dictatorship can shut down parliamentary debate, SHUT IT DOWN FOR WEEKS, when the leader decides not to face the consequences for their actions? What kind of asshole thinks the other parties were actually going to say, 'Golly, you're right, take away our funding'?
I managed to keep it together until I got home last night, and broke down the minute I got inside the door. Washing off my makeup and crying, all I could think was I do NOT accept this, this is not over, I do not accept this, this is not over. And rinse and repeat. I haven't needed to light up a spliff that badly since, um....ever?
I am scared, I am sad and I am angry, but most of all I know that THIS IS NOT OVER. Not by a long shot.