Sunday, November 30, 2008

Tinseltown can suck it

The Vancouver Film Festival has been over since mid-October, and I'm STILL geeking out about the best! film! ever! Let The Right One In. Went Thursday to Tinseltown [the only freaking place in town it's playing] to see it again, only to find it had been bumped from the theatre two days earlier to make room for Baz Lurhmann's Australia. Shut up, Australia. However, partly because I was there already, but mostly because I am Tinseltown's bitch, I forked over the bucks for Transporter 3 instead. Which had everything I'd been hoping for in Quantum of Solace: lotsa shirtless Jason Statham fighting [because he knows what side his bread is buttered on] and just generally hotting things up with all the scowling. Phwoar. Also a very sexy scene in which the transportee, a ginger party girl, blackmails Statham into doing a striptease. Where the fuck are the Bond girls with that kind of attitude?
Apparently Daniel Craig plans to NOT get hugely buff and show it off in upcoming Bond films. Y'know, if someone dangled the millions of dollars Craig is making as Bond in front of ME and said, look, all you have to do is lose the weight, get up a four a.m. to get in a frillion ab crunches and lift weights until you look like a no-neck football player, I would say HELL YES. Fortunately for y'all, I'm collaborating with Paul Haggis on the next 007 film and not to give too much away, but Bond has to go undercover as a cage dancer. A bare-chested, sweaty cage dancer. In faded ripped jeans, and maybe covered in sexy wounds too, and if I hear any lip about being a serious artist, those jeans will become ASSLESS leather chaps faster than you can bat those glacial blue peepers, DO YOU HEAR ME?

Saturday, November 15, 2008

double-Oh HELL yeah

At left: my toes may never uncurl. Sigh/squee.

Okay, I just want to say, up front, that I'm a big fan of the new Bond, deeply smitten with the man who plays him, love the new direction the character took in Casino Royale, love Paul Haggis long time and spent the last 2 years crossing off the days until the new film, but Quantum of Solace? Mostly left me wishing for more shirtless Craig [frickin' hello! he's shirtless in at least four separate scenes in Casino Royale that I can think of], and sure, there's plenty of fast-edit holyshithowdidtheydothat action, but to be honest, the movie left me wanting more. Way more. I'm not going to give anything away, but I would have liked the movie to go more into 007's betrayal and desire for revenge, and what that does to the soul, but instead got freaking continous fast-edit Bourne-style chase scenes that really started to look alike after awhile. That said, I still plan to see it multiple times and buy the DVD, because I am weak, dammit, weak, but dammit, it just doesn't grab me the way Casino Royale did. I expected better from Paul fucking Haggis et al, for God's sake. It's not crap, it just could have been better.

I'm off to console myself with some bare-assed nekkid Craig in Flashbacks of a Fool. Again. My GOD, that boy is hot.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

something to sing about

It's been a week since Obama's acceptance speech from Grant Park in Chicago, and I have to say it: congrats on not fucking up, America. The last time Americans had a leader who really was the best person for the job was last fucking millennium. Okay, I cried. It still surprises me how moved I was by the speech, and the moment. Wasn't it great? It felt like New Year's Eve, like you should be calling all your friends or leaning out of windows banging on pots and pans. The next day shone bright and sunny here, birds tweeting and strangers smiling at each other. All. Damn. Day. Long. Everybody's happy - can't you feel it?
It's amazing how very different the Democrat and Republican mindsets seem to be. Democrats seem all about Christmas, with programs! and diversity! and pizza for everybody!, while the Republicans are all about Halloween, with scary socialized medicine! and scary gun control! and scary gay rights! But regardless of all that, ditto on what Obama said about ending divisivness:
"I promise you, we as a people will get there. So let us summon a new spirit of patriotism, of responsibility, where each of us resolves to pitch in and work harder and look after not only ourselves but each other."
As the Buffy cast sings in the incomparable musical episode, "What can't we face if we're together?"